4 Pieces Of Advice For Anyone With No Personal Investing History


If you have no history of personal investing, you may find it hard to figure out where to start. Personal investing advisors strongly encourage their clients to begin with the basics. If you're thinking about taking the plunge, investment advisors will tell you to soak in these four pieces of advice.

Time Is Your Best Friend as an Investor

Regardless of your age, there is no better time than the present to start investing. Much of the benefit of personal investing comes not from picking the perfect bets, but from allowing time and compound returns to work together. A 5% per-year return over 40 years is just going to be bigger than the same return over 20 years.

Also, time gives you room to be aggressive. A 30-year-old has more room to recover than a 55-year-old if an aggressive investment doesn't pay off.

Consequently, you will want to start investing as early as possible. Even if you can only chip in $20 a paycheck, that can add up over years and with compounded returns.

Understand Risk

Investment advisors want their clients to collect the difference between the risk discount and premium. Suppose you had wanted to invest in computer companies in the 1980s. Most of the companies of that era went to their graves or were swallowed in mergers within 20 years. Consequently, a lot of them were cheap because investors discounted the prices to hedge their bets.

A few of those companies, though, went on to change the world. Firms like Microsoft and Apple now trade at many times their original prices. This difference represents the investor's premium for tolerating the risk of losing everything.


You don't want to invest too much in any single area of the economy. Someone who only invests in real estate, for example, may be exposed to downturns in the market. Likewise, someone who only invests in bonds might not collect enough of a premium to outperform stocks.

By investing in several areas of the market, you can reduce the odds a collapse in one will endanger all your money. Also, having at least a small interest in most major sectors will give you a chance to make money if one takes off.

Learn How to Value Investments

No two investments are equal, and some are downright terrible. Investment advisors encourage new investors to look at the basic valuations of investments. If you're buying shares in a business, for example, you want to know what its cash flow and earnings look like. Similarly, you'll want to see if it is showing signs of growth that justifies your forward-looking risk.


22 February 2022

Will You be Ready for Retirement?

My name is Alison, and I recently found out that I should have been saving for retirement since I first began working. I have now discovered what it takes to have a successful retirement plan, and I felt secure in my ability to care for myself once I am done working. I may even be able to retire early! I'd like to help you get your retirement plans in order and make the most out of the time you will have when you are no longer working. Let me help you understand what you need in a retirement plan and how you can get started.